Tum Finance plc was duly incorporated and registered under Maltese Law as a public limited liability company on the 26 March 2019, with registered address at Tum Invest, Mdina Road, Qormi QRM 9010, and company registration number C 91228. Tum Finance plc is wholly owned (other than for two ordinary shares which are held by Anthony Fenech, ultimate beneficial owner of the Group) by the Tum Invest Limited.
Tum Finance plc was set up with the primary aim of acquiring and holding property including securities in any other company. Tum Finance plc thus also has the object of raising money in order to finance companies within the Group. Tum Finance plc has through Tum Operations Limited acquired from Tum Invest Limited, seventy five per cent (75 %) of the shares in Center Parc and all shares in Easysell Limited. Through the Bond Issue, Tum Finance plc primarily intends to secure financing for Easysell Limited & Center Parc. Easysell Limited & Center Parc will repay the Tum Finance plc through the Tum Operations Limited through rental income derived from the Properties by way of principal and interest on intercompany loans and dividend distributions on its shareholding.
Tum Finance plc is ultimately dependent upon the operations, performance and business prospects of Easysell Limited & Center Parc. Tum Finance plc can be reached on
(+356) 23850100.
TUM Finance p.l.c.
Tum Invest, Mdina Road
Qormi, QRM9010
Monday - Friday
08:00 - 17:00